Monday, September 5, 2011

June 11, 2011 종묘, 절두산, 양화진/합정동, 동대문시장

Our first stop was the 종묘 Jongmyo which is a Confucian shrine dedicated to the memorial for the deceased kings and queens of the 조선 Joseon dynasty. 

Our next stop was 절두산 Jeoldusan, which means "beheading mountain."  It serves as a public memorial shrine.  During the late 1860s, it was used to execute Roman Catholics.  Catholicism wasn't warmly accepted in Korea for a time.  We couldn't take lots of photos just because it's religious and it was built for martyrs.  But they had cool statues outside.  They had a museum where they would show torture methods for those who were killed.  We had lots of fun trying them out (is that appropriate?)  Dr. Peterson was trying this one method where they would tie the victim down on a bench and then use a big paddle to beat them to death.  Dr. Peterson tried it on Junil and accidentally when he was bringing the paddle up, it hit a lady's camera.  He felt really bad but she acted like nothing was wrong. 

Right next to the martyr's shrine was 양화진/합정동 Yanghwajin/Hapjeongdong which is the foreigners' cemetary.  Many missionaries but also many people who are not Korean are buried here.

Dr. Peterson said this man's statement was really funny because it was a bit ironic.  I can't remember the irony in it though.

It was so hot today.  Ugh.  But after that, we split up to have some free time.  Dr. Peterson, Joy, Michelle, Rachael, and I went to 동대문시장 Dongdaemun shopping market because Dr. Peterson was looking for some fabric for his niece.  He wasn't successful in getting the price he wanted so he left but the rest of us girls stayed around for eye shopping.  I think we had bad luck because we didn't see anything appealing.  We ran into a lot of old lady clothing.  But it was great to look around and say that we've been there.

We all met up for dinner and decided to get some 돈까스 Japanese pork cutlet in 이대앞 around Ewha campus.  They heard of this good place where you can get it for cheap and they sell a spicy 돈까스.  I thought it was a bit too hot but it was good.  We saw this good looking pie shop in the area and we got slices to share.  Joy and I got this rich chocolate pie.  Absolutely amazing.  We sat down in an area that had stone seats and ate.  It was really funny because we looked like homeless people devouring a single piece of pie.

Man this was good but hot.

So excited to eat our pie!

Homeless bums eating a pie

We were so tired because we visited a few sites, did more sightseeing, and the study abroad is winding down so we got our day's worth today.  The doors at 이화대학교 Ewha University are weird!  I was leaving as it was closing down and the doors closed on me!  They didn't even retract noticing that something was in the middle!  It even took my skin off and I had to wiggle my way out.  We saw some crazy shops.  Take for instance the following:

Haha does that make any sense??

Intense fingernails

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