Monday, August 1, 2011

June 2, 2011 Netherlands Ambassador Paul A. Menkveld, Garlic Toast with Whip Cream, 감자탕

At 인제대학교 Inje University, they held a presentation because this year celebrated 50 years of diplomatic ties between Korea and the Netherlands.  It was interesting to hear English again and not only that but in a different accent than the American accent.  Yes, we as Americans have accents.  Big shock.  Haha.  The ambassador Paul A. Menkveld doesn't speak Korean and so he had a translator which made me think:  how stressful and full of pressure.  You really have to pay attention and be able to switch back and forth without thinking.

Many of 박 교수님 Professor Park's students attended the lecture so a couple of them wanted to hang out after the lecture.  Michelle, Ben, Steve, and I went with 박민주 Minju and 이충호 Choong Ho to a cafe where we got smoothies, iced hot chocolate, 과일 밭빙수 shaved ice with fruit and red beans (gwa-ill-paht-bing-soo) and get this garlic toast with whip cream.  Sounds gross?  It was actually amazing!  I think the whip cream is lighter than Cool Whip and so it wasn't thick, sweet, or gross like we were expecting it.  After we tried it with whip cream, we couldn't stop haha. 

과일 밭빙수 Shaved ice with fruit and red beans.  ^.^  So good!  We ate most of it and then I realized that I needed to take a picture of it.

Garlic toast with whip cream ^.^

Michelle and Ben at least have never had 감자탕 potato stew/soup (kahm-ja-tahng) and so we out and had some at 이바돔 Ibadom restaurant. good.  They gave us so much.  It was impossible to finish it.  감자탕 potato stew/soup if you have never had it, has obviously potatoes in it but vegetables, meat, and it's cooked in this spicy broth.  I recommend eating/trying it!

감자탕 Potato stew/soup before it's cooked.  ^.^

To shake off all that food we had today, we walked everywhere and stopped by a couple parks.  It's so pretty at night here.  We're so grateful that 김민주 Minju and 이충호 Choong-Ho were so willing to take us and spend the day with us today.  They really tried to make sure we had a good time and we did!