Thursday, November 17, 2011

June 19, 2011 교회

For Sunday, I went to 재원 Jaewon's church.  They're not LDS and attend a Christian church.  However, they don't all go to the same meetings or church.  해경 Hye Kyung told me that as long as they go to a Christian church it's ok.  Inside I thought that was sad.  That's a big part of church back home is attending church with your family.  Because the rest of the family left to go sing in the choir, I went to church with 해경 Hae Kyung.  We took a bus to downtown and attended Jesus Christ Family church.  I've never been to another church but you've seen church services in movies before. 

Well, it seemed to me like a Catholic service just from what I've seen in movies but maybe I don't know enough.  They sing a lot of hymns, hymns I've never heard of in my life.  I couldn't understand the Bible they had either because I don't know religious vocabulary.  I thought church meetings were hard already when we went to the LDS services but another religion is even harder.  You hardly know the language to understand the religion.  The minister talked for hours.  Yes, hours.  Usually we have speakers and sometimes that can be hard to sit through but because I've never been to a service like this before, it was extremely difficult to sit through.  I can relate to foreigners when they come to church now. 

After the first service, they served everyone lunch at the meeting.  I met some of 해경 Hae Kyung's church friends and it was a little scary at first because they looked at me like I knew what was going on and knew how to communicate well.  It intimidated me that I kept very quiet and only talked if they asked me a simple question.  I tried to answer the best I could with the Korean language skill I've acquired but man it would be so much better if I knew more.  해경 Hae Kyung said people can attend as many or little services as they want.  If you want to attend all, it finishes at 7:00.  Wow.....if we thought 3 hour church was something, going to church services until 7:00 is  And that's what we did!  해경 Hae Kyung helps out with the primary and little children.  They sing songs and teach the children Bible lessons.  Holy cow, can those kids sing.....scream!  I wondered if I would be able to hear afterwords but because they're so cute I didn't care. 

I met the minister of the children and the lesson today was about stealing and how it breaks the 10 commandments.  I got to talk to the minister a little bit and he asked about my religion (this is all in Korean so it felt pretty cool) and I told him but I didn't stop there.  When Dr. Peterson talked to us about different religions and missionary work, I shared with him that I've never attended a different church than my own but I could find many similarities between our religions (which there were) and that they have treated me so well and made me feel welcome.  I told him I was especially grateful because that is what our church does or strives to do.  I think they were surprised by my response because I don't think they've ever heard anyone share something like that with them.  I knew "someone" was with me the whole time because I could feel the Spirit at times and I felt safe.  No I didn't feel that complete peace but a little portion was there. 

Haha you know how foreigners are when they have to introduce themselves in front of everyone and it's always a bit awkward?  Well, been there and done that today.  It's uncomfortable a bit and I can see why they feel lonely.  Even though I know I'm going home soon, imagine what it would be like for an immigrant?  I felt scared and confused if 해경 Hae Kyung wasn't in the same room or building because when you're new, you need a friend.  There's something about it that it's always better to have a friend in everything.  I prefer to be alone and work alone on many things but even I recognize that there are situations and moments you need someone else by your side.  I'm so grateful for 해경 Hae Kyung and letting me accompany her everywhere.

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