Thursday, November 17, 2011

June 18, 2011 전쟁기념관, Gallery Chezart, Dinner with the Family

재원 Jaewon took me to the 전쟁기념관 War Memorial of Korea which was great because I haven't visited it yet and many of the others on the study abroad visited it already.  I don't know if it's just me but I swear, all of the 할머니들(grandmas) and 할아버지들 (grandpas) hang out here and anything historic.  It was an incredible memorial.  Even the outside architecture was beautiful.

They saved many things so they could display anything war-related in the museum. 


The quote in the next 3 pictures I found to be very interesting.  I think it adds something more to the museum.  Whatever your political opinions are of war, I thought this was interesting.


North Korean torpedo that killed over 150 South Koreans last year on 전안 Cheonan.

I thought this was sweet.  This is a big rope and it represents the struggles and twists Korea has faced but the light above is a beacon of hope.

Turtle ship

재원 Jaewon took me to lunch at this cafe restaurant called Chezart by the memorial.  It was very metropolitan.  They had pieces of artwork hanging and waiting to be hung.  They had a baby grand piano with a live musician (you know what I mean, I don't mean to sound dumb with a "live musician".  Of course, they're living but not a CD).  It was so darling and I'm so grateful for her time and work in making me have a good time here.

We went back inside the museum to look around and found the funniest thing.  These kids were drawing "팥빙수" but it looked like, and yes I just went there, poo.  재원 Jaewon and I couldn't stop laughing.

Here's some more parts of the museum:

Isn't this suit sweet?

Someone wanted to get married the traditional Korean way outside.

So good.

I love Korean children!  Kyaaaa!

I also love good looking Korean men haha

After the museum, we went shopping in 명동 Myeongdong which I've decided is my favorite shopping place besides the luxury stores.  I bought some BB Cream since it's the huge craze here and in Asia.  Korea is the only maker of it so floods of Asians and Europeans have been coming here to get some.  Hey why not join them?  I'm not going to lie, it takes me by surprise when people of different nationalities speak Korean because it's so unique.  No one besides people from New Zealand and a few from America have been able to convey the Korean accent very good.  Well, as I was shopping, a more fair skinned man was ringing me up for makeup and was speaking to me in Korean (duh) but it was really good.  I asked him if he was from Turkey or Kazakhstan because I've seen quite a few of them from there here but he was from (I know this is sad but I can't remember) the Middle East (I think he said Afhanistan). 

After shopping, we went out to dinner with the rest of the family and 혜경 Hye Kyung, 재원 Jaewon's oldest daughter came from 수원 Suwon (where she's attending college) and she's very good at English.  She's focusing much of her studies on English and she's very good.  After dinner, I realized that I didn't prepare a house gift for her family so I went to the store with 혜경 Hye Kyung to pick up some treats.  It's always important that you bring gifts to a host family (I'm a bad girl!  How could I let something like that slip??) When we got home, we watched "Beastly" and although we all laughed a bit inside because there were some corny parts, the part that was hilarious was a segment in the movie when the main guy pretends to be watching TV and Vanessa Hudgens calls him out because he wasn't really watching TV.  The TV program was in Korean that he was watching!!  He said he was learning Korean and she asked him what they were saying and he didn't know.  Confidently, Vanessa Hudgens answered it.  Haha we laughed so hard at the part more than any other part because not only was it clever and witty the conversation they had but the Korean took us by surprise that it would peep up in a movie such as this or at all.

I love this family so much.  I can tell my mom surrounded herself by good friends and good people.  Honestly, I think I've surrounded myself around people because of the gospel and so to choose good friends I think is very difficult without the gospel so it's amazing that my mom and her friends had that wisdom.  I think it's blessed their lives.

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