While we were taking a bathroom break, the girls noticed they had these in the bathroom....
Pink toilets for women's restrooms!
After class and lunch, Kenwood, Victoria, Michelle, and I went out to the markets nearby the house. Michelle and I found some K-pop socks for 500 원 which equals about $0.50!
2PM 닉쿤 양말 Nickhun socks!
I got 2PM 닉쿤 Nickhun and Michelle got Big Bang.
We went up to the university to study. We thought we would could do language practice with the students by talking to them and getting to know them. However, it didn't work out well. Everyone was busy studying in the library or on their way out. No kidding; it was impossible to find anyone. While we were sitting down, we saw these two Korean (I emphasize that because it make sense later) girls on a bench. Kenwood went to go talk to them because us girls were still afraid to use our language skills. This is when it gets really interesting. Kenwood started talking to the girls and as he was talking to them, they got really confused looks on their faces. After he was done one of them says, "Sorry, we don't speak Korean that well" in an American accent! Haha funny joke right? We tried so hard to find someone to talk to and we end up talking to the only Americans on the whole campus.
After studying, we heard there was a music festival happening tonight so we all (everyone from the study abroad) went together. Before the festival, we met 심태용 Shim Tae Yong who has been studying with Derek a couple times. The festival was pretty cool. They performed a Disney medley and some Western classics.
After the festival, we met 심태용 Tae Yong's girlfriend who was in the festival. We were all hungry and so 심태용 Tae Yong knew of this cheap but good 돈까스 Japanese pork cutlet (dohn-ga-seu) restaurant nearby the school. One of his friends, who is a girl, met up with us at the restaurant.
Back row: Stephen, Rachael, Michelle, Benjamin, 심태용 Tae Yong's 동생 friend.
Front row: Juni, me, 심태용 Tae Yong.
심태용 Tae Yong is so much fun to hang out with! He's really funny and when he tries to speak English, he speaks really fast that's it's really funny. We walked around and talked about meeting again at a nearby park. We've noticed being here that the native Koreans are actually laid back and very friendly. Seeing Koreans at their most comfortable (being in their own country) and us being the foreigners has been intersting to see. Getting to know more Koreans in that context has given us a better idea of what Koreans are like.