Sunday, April 24, 2011

Last Day in America

It's already here.  I can't even believe it.  It wasn't that long ago when I was contemplating on whether I should be doing the study abroad or not.  I must be getting old because time has never gone by this fast.   It's been about 13 years since my last visit to South Korea.  All I remember from that time was that is was pure fun.  That's probably because I was a kid and didn't have to worry about ANYTHING

Right now, my feelings switch from feeling anxious 불안해요 (bu-ran-hae-yo) to feeling happy and excited 행복하고 신나요/(haeng-bo-ka-go shin-nah-yo).

Looking forward to so far:
  • Seeing my dear old grandfather and relatives!!  I haven't seen him since my last vist (13 years ago) and I don't remember meeting him that well.  I know I did but I can't recall anything from it. :-(  One day I got a call from my mom saying that he was so excited for me to come.  He said he felt like a kid going to Disneyworld, counting down the days, and losing sleep over it.  Awww :-)  It's been the same for me as well.  Also, I haven't seen some of my relatives.  Ever.  Sadly, I don't know what they look like or what they're like. 
  • Getting better at Korean.  As I've studied for the past year, my love for the Korean language has grown bigger and bigger each day.  It's such a beautiful language.  I've been frontloading like crazy before I leave so we'll see how it goes.  However, I have a feeling I'm going to experience the same things as missionaries who go out to foreign countries.  As sincere as I try to be, it'll make someone laugh and confused. 
Nervous about so far:
  • The Airport/Flight.  I love the airport but at the same time no.  It is seriously one of the coolest places ever but extremely stressful.  Will I make it there on time?  Will my luggage meet the requirements for weight?  Will my baggage get there in one piece or at all to wherever I'm going?  Is security going to find something that I should have paid attention to?  Will the people picking me up be there?  Flying out alone never hit me as scary until things like Taken and Red Eye came out.  Another thing, I hurt my back a couple days ago.  It's not super serious but it hurts like a beast.
  • Language and Cultural Barriers.  Depending on what I say or don't say could confuse or offend someone and I won't even mean it.  Also, Korea and America  are different (duh), different that what might be ok here won't be ok over there. 
In a few hours now, I have to get up and head to the airport.  I'm off to the motherland!  It's Asia for crying out loud!  Ahhh! 


  1. dude! i am so excited for you!
    have so much fun and DON'T BE NERVOUS. at least, that's what i'm telling myself too.
    it will all work out! :)

  2. It is Asia for cryin' out loud!! And YOU get to be rockin' all those Asians with your AWESOME ASIANESS!! Korea is SO DANG LUCKY to be able to have THE ONE AND ONLY JULIANNE HORSLEY in their country.

    Three cheers for Julianne and three cheers for cute Korean boys who sing "HELLO"!!
